Born in the Spirit

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The WORD in other words (2022) by Fr Andy Guban SVD – Cebu City

Tuesday 2nd week of Easter

In this Gospel episode, three names (Nicodemus, Holy Spirit, Jesus) are worth pondering.

1) Nicodemus comes from the words nike which means victory, and demos which means people. Nicodemus, like many of us, experienced a crisis of faith. His dialogue with Jesus troubled him regarding the issue of BEING BORN AGAIN. He seemed not convinced of what Jesus meant. But as his name suggests, he had to gain something new, and become “victorious” for God’s greater glory and for the benefit of God’s people. His instant encounter and connection with Jesus brought a sense of hope and renewal. How?

2) The Holy Spirit was actually and amazingly at work. It served as Nicodemus’ light. For indeed, the Holy Spirit was dynamically there revealing his main functions as “light to the clouded mind; illumines the faith-seeker; guides the inquirer. He hovers around as presence, and transforms everyone for God’s kingdom.

3) Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Conscious of our own experience, which can be likened to Nicodemus, we constantly come to Jesus with the hope of being BORN again in the Spirit of truth, justice, and love.

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