Clear Vision

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The WORD in other words (2022) by Fr Cyril Ortega SVD – Divine Word College of Vigan

Friday 23rd Week in Odinary Time

It is much easier to see the splinter in another person’s eye than to recognize the splinter in my own eye. Perhaps recognizing the splinter in the other person’s eye makes us feel better about ourselves. Jesus is reminding us to be mindful! Our mind often jumps to judgment before we are consciously aware of it.

We can only teach others what we have been taught ourselves. And how can we help others overcome their faults if we are blinded by our own faults?

If we are to be guides and teachers for others, then we must have a clear vision where we are going and a map that shows the way.

Jesus asks for a creative attitude that will make us capable of encountering and accepting others without judging them, without preconceptions and rationalizations.

How easy it is to misjudge and how difficult it is to be impartial in judgment. Our judgment of others is usually “off the mark” because we can’t see inside the person, or we don’t have access to all the facts, or we are swayed by instinct and unreasonable reactions to people. It is easier to find fault in others than in oneself.

We ask the Lord to flood our hearts with his loving kindness and mercy that we may only have room for charity and forbearance towards all.

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