Bear Fruit

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The WORD in other words by Fr Dennis Manzana SVD – Taiwan

Wednesday 12th Week in Ordinary Time

“So by their fruits you will know them.” Sometimes referred to as the fruit kingdom or paradise for fruit lovers, Taiwan is known for its wide variety of sweet and juicy fruits – around 35 fruits grown locally.

Of the many fruits in Taiwan that I like most is the sweet and crunchy guava. Once a farmer was interviewed and asked why his guava fruits tasted so good. He said that first he had to plant the good seed, and then care for it as it grew by keeping the weeds away. So it was not just the seed that mattered. The ways he cared for the tree as it grew also made a lot of difference.

Just like the guava tree, we, too can bear good fruits for we all have that good seed that God has planted in our hearts. But this seed also needs to be cared for by a constant watering of prayers, listening to God through Scripture reading and weeding of vices through repentance and reconciliation.

God, as the Sower, has planted the seed of goodness in each one of us. Let us also cooperate in allowing Him to trim us and weed us that we may bear good fruit of love. Bearing good fruit means becoming His living witnesses, sharing His goodness especially with the least of our brothers and sisters. So that by our fruits they will know us.

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