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Word Alive — Fr. Bel San Luis, SVD April 9, 2023

Easter Sunday – A

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Did you know that Jesus’ tomb was borrowed from a wealthy Jew named Joseph of Arimathea? And why did he have to rise on the third day?

It’s because the grave was borrowed, and Jesus had to vacate it otherwise he would be evicted.

Of course, that was not the real reason why the Lord rose from the tomb. Rather he wanted to prove that everything he said about himself as the Messiah was all true. Otherwise, he would have been a grand impostor and a sanctimonious fraud.

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Christ’s rising from death is the Father’s seal of approval on his life and work on earth. As St. Paul puts it, “If Christ has not risen, in vain is our preaching and your believing in it” (Read 1 Cor 15,13).

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In other words, our faith in God, our prayers, our striving to do good would all be useless. if Christ had not risen from death, as St. Paul puts it, “Let’s just eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die”? Nothing more.

Thank God, the majority of people in the world do not share this kind of thinking.

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ARE YOU WORTH SAVING? A bishop relates the story of a little boy who was swimming one day in a lake when suddenly he suffered cramps in the legs and could swim no farther.

The boy struggled for his life. He had gone under twice, when he felt the strong arm of a man lifting him.

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The man took the boy safely to shore and, after making certain that everything was well, turned to leave.

The little boy said, “Thank you, sir, for saving my life.” The man replied, “You’re welcome, son. Just see to it that you are worth saving.”

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The bishop said that he had never forgotten those words, for he was that boy whose life was saved!

A good question for us Christians to ask in this Easter feast is: “Am I worth saving?”

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Let us remember that Jesus saved us by piercing pains and bloody death on the cross. It is not enough just to say: “Thank you, Lord.” He expects us to reciprocate by living a life that’s morally upright, charitable, God-fearing, following his commandments.

Following God’s will is not easy, but it is all for our own good and eternal salvation.

EASTER HUMOR. Pope Francis said, “They think that being Christian means being in perpetual mourning.” The jovial Pope has this to say to the clergy: “An ambassador for the faith must never look like someone who’s just come back from a funeral.”

Similarly, St. Teresa of Avila said: “Lord deliver us from sad saints.”

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Did you know that the people to whom the Risen Lord first appeared were women? (Read Mt 28,1; John 20,1).

Jesus knew women’s innate ability to spread news fast. As somebody said, “If you want your message to travel fast, send by telephone, if you want it faster, send by cell phone; if you want it fastest, TELE-woman!”



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