Never Alone

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The Word in other words (2022) by Fr Roger Solis, SVD — University of San Carlos, Cebu City

Saturday 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

There are moments in our lives where we become confused and disturbed by what we are supposed to do. Too often, these moments bother us, make us restless, and may lead to sleepless nights. Instead of looking at these moments negatively, look at them from a positive perspective. Meaning, try to consider the possibility that maybe, God is reminding us that certain things happen beyond our control. Instead of feeling sorry, why not make these moments an opportunity to spend quality time with God through prayer and reflection?

The Gospel for today reminds us that the Holy Spirit will guide and enlighten us in moments of doubt and confusion. But the question is, do we give room for the Holy Spirit to reign in our hearts? Do we allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten and guide our minds? Or have we become too stubborn to accept that we need God in our lives?

Too often, the source of our confusion and doubt is the belief that we can control the things around us. Relying too much on our strength, we forget how vulnerable and weak we are without God. In happy moments, we tend to forget to thank God for the blessings we received. We tend to forget that what we have is just part of God’s immense generosity. That is why when things dear to our hearts are taken away, that is the only time we remember how dependent we are on God, that apart from him, we are nothing.

For us not to be lost in times of grief and despair, constantly remind ourselves that in this life’s journey, we are never alone, for God is with us always all the time. That is why when we feel that our problem is bigger than the Titanic, do not forget that the grace of God is deeper and broader than the ocean.

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