God’s Wisdom

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The WORD in other words (2022) by Fr Abraham Borja SVD – Taiwan

Wednesday 5th Week in Ordinary Time

The visit of the queen of Sheba to King Solomon left her breathless because the wisdom he manifested exceeded the news she had heard. Then she exclaimed how fortunate the people around the king listening to his words, and she praised the God who, out of his enduring love for Israel, made Solomon king to deliver justice to the people (cf. 1 kgs 10:1-10).

It was not only the queen of Sheba but “the whole world sought audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put into his heart” (1 kgs 10:24). Wisdom is “a breath of the power of God, and a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty” (Wis 7:25) and “found by those who seek her” (Wis 6:12). God is the source of wisdom. God has chosen the human heart to be her dwelling place.

The Psalmist reflected on the interrelationship among wisdom, God’s law, and the heart: “The mouth of the just man tells of wisdom and his tongue utters what is right. The law of his God is in his heart, and his steps do not falter” (Ps 37:30-31).

Jesus also pointed out the connection among the three. When he said that “the things that come out from within are what defile” (Mk 7:15, 20), he was expounding his earlier statement: “You disregard God’s commandment but cling to human tradition.” (Mk 7,8) God’s command inform, form and transform the heart.

The evident spread of evil in society – blasphemy, killing, deception, and indecency, among others – is a clear indication that man has turned away from God and abandoned his commandments. Those who accept, keep, and meditate on God’s word in their hearts do acts of charity, forge unity, observe justice, and promote peace. They speak words of wisdom and hope and show love and kindness.

How blessed are they who stay near to these people. Honor, glory, and praise be to the God they love and serve.

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