Contagious Holiness

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The WORD in other words (2022) by Fr Raymund Festin SVD – Rome

Thursday 32nd Week of Ordinary Time

As of this writing, the Covid-19 pandemic still rages around the globe. The world economy is in ruins. Hundreds of thousands have died. Many are despairing.

What makes Covid-19 so fearsome is not only its contagiosity but also its invisibility.

Here in our community, we now have four Covid-19 cases. We never thought thevirus would infect us. Everyone is wearing masks, face shields, and gloves. We observe physical distancing. A dark cloud of gloom now hangs over our community. Covid-19 is now among us: invisible and undetectable. Perhaps its pathogens are lurking in surfaces of tables, chairs, doorknobs, plates, and windowpanes.

In the Gospel, Jesus says: “The coming of the kingdom of God cannot be observed, and no one will announce, ‘Look, here it is,’ or, ‘There it is.’ For behold, the kingdom of God is among you.”

Like the Covid-19 virus, God’s kingdom is invisible. It is present in its absence. It is among us. Jesus personifies God’s kingdom. When you find him, you find God’s kingdom.

Jesus is hidden behind the tabernacle. He is hidden in our hearts. He is the unseen in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He is invisibly present in the Eucharist.

When you get exposed to the Covid-19 virus, you get sick of it. Likewise, when you expose yourself constantly before the Blessed Sacrament in prayer, you get contaminated with Jesus’ divine virus. You become like him.

And be mindful of the least brother or sister among us. Know that Jesus is in him or her.

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